Uncover the truth behind the ‘Outward’ organization, and learn the fate of Kathy’s father in an action-packed adventure with epic stakes and deep personal drama in Deliver Us Mars. Platforms: PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PC To get you primed and prepped for what is sure to be a chaotic four weeks, we’ve done our usual diligence and put together a (quite long) shortlist of what we think should be on everyone’s radar for the month: Deliver Us Mars Whether you’re in for action, adventure, horror or anything in-between there’s definitely going to be something for everyone this month – including a little ol’ hardware launch for none other than the PlayStation VR2. It’s equally hard to fathom just how many games the month ahead is bringing, with February being absolutely stacked with big titles. I am sure that there are people out there (completionists especially) who will love this game as it is, but I cannot help but feel that a bit more inventiveness and a less cliché story would have made it much better.It’s hard to believe that January 2023 is all but behind us already. My main issue is that once gameplay has been established in the first and second sections it is pretty much repeated for the remainder of the game. The movement mechanic is different but may not be to everyone’s taste and could even be off-putting for some. The Pathless has a nice visual design and cleverly designed puzzles to solve. The Pathless won’t kill you or do you any lasting harm, so if you fail, get back up and try again.To bring light back to the world, fight the cursed animals in thrilling boss encounters.Discover long-forgotten tales and puzzle your way through old ruins as you learn about the island’s dark past.Soar to new heights on your eagle’s wings as you pass through lush meadows and freezing tundras, scale mountains, and soar over misty forests.Take on the role of the Hunter as you journey to a legendary island with your eagle companion to lift a darkness-engulfing curse.