Monitoring intensity options include RPE and HR methods End ofpresentation.FIT Formula depends on fitness and activity levels.Typical of the exercise bout (no sudden bursts of activity) HR monitors can provide a continuous record of heart rate during your exercise.Short time 10 secs multiply by 6 15 secs multiply by 4 = 1-min estimate.Location for Pulse Radial artery Carotid artery Learn to count your HR Arteries have elastic walls andstretch as the bloodmoves throughthe vessel. Rating of Perceived Exertion 6 VERY VERY LIGHT 7 8 9 VERY LIGHT 10 11 FAIRLY LIGHT 12 13 SOMEWHAT HARD 14 15 HARD 16 17VERY HARD 18 19 20 VERY VERY HARD Target Zonefor using RPE 22 years old with a resting heart rate of 68 bpm) The same basic information is used for both to allow for comparisons of results. Maximum heart rate method Click on icon for examples for calculatingtarget zones with both approaches.Lab 7b info Field Tests of Cardiovascular Fitness į I T FIT Formula for CV FitnessRange for different fitness levels 3-5 days/week(fit: up to 6 days) HRR Range: 30-85% RPE 12-16 20-90 minutes The best indicator of cardiovascular fitness Photo: Creative commons Google Images.Laboratory Test of Cardiovascular Fitness VO2 Max Associated with a feeling of well-being.

Online Learning Center Presentation Overview Concept 7Cardiovascular Fitness Presentation Package forConcepts of Fitness & Wellness 9e Cardiovascular fitness is probably the most important aspect of physical fitness because of its importance to good health and optimal physical performance.